Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Wednesday, 4 November 2015


Stop asking me how I got home at the end of everyday
Stop asking people about my whereabouts
Stop asking me to go to the movie together and telling me it’s not a ‘date’ kind of thing
Stop telling me which outfits I look good in as if you ever cared about how do I look when I’m with you.
Stop saying “you’re one in a million.”
Stop playing my favorite songs with your guitar.
Stop coming to me when you need a shoulder to lean on, a hand to hold, or just a simple pair of ears to listen.
Stop smiling yet saying nothing when your friends asking about us.
Stop using smiley :) at the end of every “good night, sleep tight”.
Stop saying good night, sleep tight.

Stop looking at me as if you cannot breath without me.
Stop talking to me with that super tender voice you never actually had.
Stop touching me so softly like somehow I could fall apart.
Stop making me feel special to you
Stop making me believe you love me
Stop doing all those things when you’re not planning to stay

People said action speaks louder than words, I agree with that.
I’ve seen your actions, but now I need your words, I cant keep guessing anymore.
Because I’m starting to questioned myself
About what is so wrong with me that you never actually said ‘I love you’.
But I should’ve known better, I should be second-guessing you.

Stop making me believe you will love me at some point in the near future.
Because now I’m sure you wont.
You don’t want me.
You don’t know what you want.

And I’m tired showing you that I want you, I want us.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Negara Sekuler

Beberapa waktu yang lalu, gue baca di account twitter seseorang yang membicarakan mengenai membentuk Indonesia menjadi sebuah negara sekuler.
Sebelumnya, negara sekuler berarti negara tidak turut campur dalam urusan agama rakyatnya sehingga semua kebudayaan beragama negara sekuler tidak diurus oleh pemerintah negara. Rakyat bebas memeluk agama atau tidak memeluk suatu agama. Tidak ada departemen atau lembaga pemerintahan khusus menangani urusan agama dan negara tidak berkewajiban untuk memberikan dana untuk lembaga-lembaga  agama otonom dan juga tidak akan ada pendidikan wajib untuk agama di sekolah-sekolah di Indonesia.

Hal ini, menurut gue sedikit bertentangan dengan pancasila dimana sila pertama berbunyi "Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa". Sila tersebut sudah menjelaskan bahwa Indonesia merupakan negara yang mengakui Ketuhanan dan melaksanakan segala urusan negara dibawah asas Ketuhanan. Selain itu Indonesia juga mengakui lima agama yaitu islam, kristen, katolik, hindu, dan buddha sehingga ini menjelaskan bahwa Indonesia masih mengurus segala urusan keagamaan penduduknya.

Isu menjadikan Indonesia negara sekuler mungkin berawal dari ketidakjelasan mengenai aliran-aliran agama yang diakui di Indonesia dan juga keributan antar warga yang dilatar belakangi oleh perkara agama. Agama yang saya tahu mempunyai banyak aliran di Indonesia adalah islam. Aliran-aliran agama islam di Indonesia tercipta karena adanya perbedaan dalam menjalani ibadah sehari-hari dan juga perbedaan dalam pemahaman aturan-aturan yang diajarkan agama Islam. Aliran-aliran ini tidak dikatakan menyimpang selama mereka masih mengakui Allah SWT sebagai Tuhan YME dan Muhammad SAW sebagai rasulullah yang menjadi rasul penutup dan imam seluruh umat islam di dunia serta tidak menyalahi aturan-aturan yang bersumber dari Al-Quran dan Hadist. Kebebasan dalam memilih aliran suatu agama menimbulkan pemikiran bahwa Indonesia bisa saja menjadi negara sekuler, karena tidak melarang rakyatnya memeluk aliran agama manapun. Keributan antar pemeluk agama berbeda juga menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong untuk menjadikan Indonesia negara sekuler. Keberadaan agama-agama yang diakui di Indonesia sering dikatakan sebagai penyebab keributan antar pemeluk agama yang berbeda, karena kurangnya toleransi dan saling menjelekan agama lain. Dengan menjadikan Indonesia negara sekuler, nilai-nilai agama tidak lagi terlalu ditanamkan dan juga budaya-budaya agama yang tadinya disupport pemerintah juga dihilangkan sehingga diharapkan berkurangnya perdebatan dalam membicarakan atau membandingkan setiap agama berbeda di kehidupan sehari-hari

Menurut saya, budaya beragama di Indonesia merupakan dasar dari budaya saling menghormati dan menjaga perdamaian di masyarakat. Perbedaan dalam keyakinan dan dalam menjalankan ibadah masing-masing agama tentu secara tidak langsung mengajarkan untuk toleransi akan perbedaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Setiap agama pada dasarnya selalu mengajarkan kebaikan dan mencintai kedamaian dan bisa dikatakan mempunyai tujuan yang sama: menciptakan keharmonisan dalam hidup di dunia dan keselamatan di akhirat (bagi agama yang meyakini adanya akhirat). Jika agama dikatakan menjadi salah satu penyebab pecahnya keributan di masyarakat tentu tidak masuk akal, melainkan ego dari setiap pemeluknya yang berkeinginan untuk membuktikan siapa yang paling benar yang bisa menjadi salah satu faktor keributan antar pemeluk agama.

Intinya saya berpendapat bahwa menjadikan Indonesia negara sekuler tidak akan menyelesaikan pertentangan-pertentangan antar agama yang sering terjadi di tengah masyarakat karena keberadaan agama bukanlah penyebabnya melainkan ego dari pemeluknya sendiri yang seringkalimenyebabkan pertentangan. Dan jika agama tidak lagi diatur negara, saya takut masyarakat akan hilang kesadaran untuk menjalani hidup sesuai aturan agama. Memang seharusnya seseorang dalam memeluk suatu agama tanpa paksaan dan dengan hati yang ikhlas dan yakin, namun jika budaya beragama di lingkungan masyarakat menghilang bisa saja masyarakat tidak lagi menjalankan aturan-aturan agama yang tadinya memberikan efek positif dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat.

Ini hanya pendapat saya saja yang tentunya banyak kekurangan karena saya bukanlah orang yang ahli dalam urusan agama maupun ketatanegaraan.

Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Why do some girls have self-confidence crisis? Why do they often feel insecure?

To be pretty and attractive are what every girl wants. Every time we close our door house to go out, it’s no secret that we want all of the eyes on us. But when we see some other girls that we think are more pretty, more gorgeous, or skinnier than us, we immediately feel less confidence, aren’t we?

Every girl needs to be acknowledged. It has to be something from every girl, which stands out for them to be noticed and different from other girls, whether it is her beauty, body, knowledge, or personality. What becomes the problem here is when they compare their selves with other girls. Oh my God, she’s so pretty and sexy! She is what everyone’s definition of beauty! How I wish I could be just like her, I would be very lucky.

Some girls are insecure with their body. Some of them think they are too fat, others think they are way too skinny. The ones who think they are too fat are starting a diet, but often they end up in torturing their selves and still don’t get the body they wanted. Other than doing a diet, sometimes they use some kind of drugs or vitamins to help them lose some weight, these use of medication which is not under the experts prescriptions could led to a misuse that may have a negative impact to our body. Although most of the medications are succeed in helping to lose some weights, still it is better to stay healthy in natural ways. The insecurities about weight also could lead us to eating disorder, of course all of us are familiar with this term. Eating disorder, anorexia or bulimia, obviously give a negative impact to our body and for having it really is not cool J.

There are many types of body shape and all of them beautiful. Although you are big or fat, it doesn’t really matter when you feel good with your self and love them. To feel good with you being fat is not an excuse to not work out or eat unhealthy foods, still you have to keep your body healthy. How can you feel good with your body when you know it is unhealthy? How can you say that you love your body when you’re not taking care of it? So being healthy and keep your body in good shape is the first step to feel good with yourself. When you already feel good with yourself your self-confidence will come along the way.

Do you find a knowledgeable woman attractive? For me, to widen our knowledge surely can improve our self-confidence. What I meant by knowledge is not only academic-related knowledge that you usually got from school, but also any other thing you have interest on. It could be music, movies, books, foods, politics, economics, and many other things you enjoyed. Those interests you had, you can share with other people who have common interest, then you will be acknowledged by your knowledge about something. Be curious and open-minded, be a woman whose people comfortable to talk to. If you have issues with your body or appearance and haven’t overcome with it, you can think this way, at least I’m a smart-ass girl, or at least I’m a master in…that way, can help we can get our self-confidence.

I believe that each girl has their own beauty, and in fact, they are! Although not many of us are the whole package girls, but still, we are gorgeous in our own way. It may sounds cliché but it’s the truth, if everyone has same typical beauty, will it still make her looked beauty? Beauty itself is come from the uniqueness, where it is rare and attractive, because the beauty from one person is different from other person. When you want someone’s beauty, you will never be as beautiful as they are, because you weren’t born to have what they have, you were born to have what you got and you have to find ways to make it beautiful. So stop compare yourself with other girls!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Just Skip This One

I've been thinking lately about Why do boys still interested in other girls while they already had a girlfriend?

I know some of my guy friends who already had girlfriends, are still interested on other girls. They're not cheating, just admiring and flirting a bit. Maybe for some people it doesn't really matter, as long as the boys are loyal to their girlfriends.

But for me?
Hello? If I had a boyfriend doing that, I'd better broke up with that guy. Seriously, it's hurtful, isn't it? Having your boyfriend saying, "If I could go out with another girl, it would be her." and 'her' in this part is definitely not you.
It's such a pain in ass and pathetic, cos this means that your boyfie doesn't think that you're the best they can ever had, there's still another girl.

This is just my point of view, anyway...

Sunday, 20 June 2010

How Do You Know?

The One.
Oh yeah, this 'the-one' is the most wanted person in our life right?
But how do you know if he is the one? And how do you know when he is not the one?
Maybe you already knew this question from Sex and the City series, and seriously, how do you know?

Is 'the one' the person who..
always care about us?
always asking us "hows your day goin?"
makes us laugh most of the time?
makes a late-nite phonecalls?
always there for you? Loving you unconditionally?

How if there is that person, who did all those things above, but it still not enough make you sure that he is the one?
You both are madly in love, but somehow, you know he's not the one for you.
How do you supposed to do? Let him go or be with someone who is wrong?
And that lead us to other question..

Is he Mr. Right or Mr. Right-now? that question was also something you've heard right.

So how do you answer all of these questions? With your heart?
Then it means you depends on your heart right? But how if even your heart doesn't know the answer? You know how it afraid to be broken when it gives the wrong answer.

I think the answer is faith
Yes, back to that old quote, "if it were meant to be, it meant to be."
Or in our own country famous quote "kalau jodoh ga kemana."
Yes, let's hope that's true.

Well, this just a pointless thought of mine.